It’s never been lost on me that the first word of the Lord’s Prayer is our. Christianity, as a faith, and a key differentiator from the world’s various religions, is the shared experience and responsibility to cover and care for others.

The first verse establishes, the who of the entire prayer, as the God that we all share and have access to. Our prayers are directed toward the one and only true God in a way that immediately sets up the tone for touching and agreeing (ref).

The Lord’s Prayer, in an of itself, if recitation is implied, is intended for a gathering and for more than one person. Does Jesus not cry out to the Father not only when inquiring of the passing of the cup, but the ultimate, temporary separation when he cries out “what have you forsaken ME…”

The truth is much of prayer is intended to be a private event. The Father has knowledge of what you need without uttering a word.

However, the most powerful prayers are of a shared, unified expression whereby we petition God together.

Let us pray, together. The Lord’s prayer establish his community at hello.